Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekend Gone

I have to say that this weekend has been one primarily consisting of laziness combined with lack. I got off of work too late for the Stain reading on Friday. Later in the evening my phone had an unfortunate collision with floor.

I had a ton of stuff to do Saturday, yet all I accomplished was mailing off two manuscripts and a letter of recommendation for a former student. I had planned to attend either the Film Forum reading in BK or the Rohrer reading in Queens, but I did neither. Earlier in the day I went to the Enclave reading over at the Cake Shop. I saw Ben and Paige. They were the first human interactions I had that day. After I left the reading I went home. I sat in my room and watched waaay too much TV via the internet. I watched Heroes, I watched BSG, and I watched The Wire. I sipped scotch. I went to bed early.

I haven't seen anyone today (other than my roommate) but I did wait for almost in hour at Trader Joes. I read a bunch of blogs. I read Molly's short-story. I read some poems from an online journal. I felt bad that I had spent the weekend being "passive," that is watching and reading-- as opposed to writing. So I finally did some rewriting. & I sent off three submissions. I am going to drink some pommegranate green tea. I am going to check the basketball scores. I will read Dan's chapbook. I will go to bed early-ish (anytime before midnight is early). Tomorrow I wake up and spend the day doing.


Molly Gaudry said...

About that snow, indeed...

I was to start work today, but I think we might have a snow day. I'll call my supervisor to find out soon.

Happy writing!


P.S. Um, I went to a bar last night and wrote about ten awful poems that will never again see the light of day. One of the poems is titled "Anechka Rybalsky Orders a Burger!" Yes, the exclamation point says it all! Good times.

steven karl said...

Your first day of work being a snow day would be pretty awesome! I did not go to bed at midnight, but instead wrote 2 poems that I haven't the heart to even look at yet, however, I think if you own that exclamation ala Frank O'hara you just might be onto something- just make sure Rybalsky doesn't drink a Coke!