Friday, April 11, 2008

You Must Be This Tall Before Riding This Ride

Tonight is the first night I've had internet at the apartment in almost 2 wks.  So what have I've been doing with my nights, you ask?  Well making visual poetry of course!  On this funhouse ride Sandy has no idea I'm about to bite off her head

Blame it on Ben Lerner's Angle of Yaw but I'm feeling downright violent.  Quick someone spread the word- poetry is more corruptible than porn!

Damn straight yo! if you made it this far into the ride and haven't recited one single Ashbery line we will haunt you until you swear David Lynch's movies are nuthin' but Disney.

Did you punk out?  Me, Sandy, and Tara aka N.o.t.o.r.i.o.u.s. C.h.o.i., ECK (East Coast Kid) and Deep Disco are the new kids on da block- hanging tough.

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