Monday, April 7, 2008

Weekend Wrapped

I went to the Murakami exhibit for Brooklyn Museum's First Saturday. The show felt like maybe it was too much for the BKM staffers. I don't think the museum has had to deal with a turnout of this magnitude before and they seemed a bit disorganized, but there was a TON of stuff going on from Kamiko Hahn reading, to DJ's, to bands, to films, lectures + the actual exhibition. The scene got a bit crazy as one would expect after 9 (which is when the dj sets began). Plenty of peeps going crazy showing love and yep lotsa hipster swilling and spilling beer.

Murkami's work is what you'd expect. Some of it was amazing, some of it was his typical blurring the line btwn art and commerce ala LV, and some of it was him having fun with or further to pushing the exaggerated sexualized boundaries of anime like this sculpture of Mission Project ko2.

I got back into the city around midnight and picked up a lazy late-night snack consisting of a garden burger, fries, and an Organic Peak Pale Ale.

Sunday's weather was less exciting but managed to spend some time relaxing at Cafe Oro gchatting with my friend in Hong Kong and reworking a series of poems called Dear John, I'm thrilled to say that two of these have been accepted by Zoland Poetry and will be in the next anthology!

For dinner I ate bi bim bap at Shabu Tatsu over in the East Village. & now here it is Monday (already)

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