Thursday, August 7, 2008

7:32 Thursday Evening

On Tuesday I met Dan, Julia, & Mathias for the rooftop reading in Central Park. There was talk of dinner afterwards but I was tired & preoccupied. I hadn't really talked to anyone that day & felt my conversational skills were still taking a nap.

I missed the official 20 Years of the Pig- A Dick Pig Review Anthology party. I heard it was a good time. I had an interview scheduled for the morning which would require me getting up early, taking a train, taking the Staten Island Ferry, then taking a bus, & finally taking the College Loop Shuttle. You can understand why someone would need to get a good night's sleep for that couldn't you? I interviewed with Timothy Gray who is just putting the finishing touches on his ms about the New York School of poetry and urban pastoral. He's been working on it for about 10 years. Yup can't wait to queqe that one up on my goodreads' list.

So come September instead of trekking out to the plush suburbs of Westchester I'll now be traveling to Queens & Staten Island, but at least its not 5 days a week for 8hr shifts!!

My friend Meghan (curator of WoM) is auctioning herself off tonight for a good cause at Alibi. She's cute so you should come and bid on her so she doesn't get stuck with some cheap-ass bum & buy us both beers- yeah we'd like that very much thank you.

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