Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Quick But Productive Drop-in at Teachers and Writers

Today was the going away party for Bruce Morrow, assistant director at T&W so I swung by there for hellos and some wine. Sat in "my office" realized how much I miss that job but one has to make at least enough chedda to pay the bills and have a little luxuary left over, right?

I had a copy of T&W newest book, Structure and Surprise, which I did a ton of work for and it made me inexplicably happy to have a copy sitting on the desk with a yellow post-it saying "Steven." I also had the new issue of Rain Taxi which has an interview with fiction writer David Markson (DO READ HIM!) and an envelope from Wave Books-Thanks Monica!!! Enclosed was a copy of Sawako Nakaysu's book, "So We Have Been Given Time Or" I'm thinking of trying to put together a reading with her maybe next year to correspond with AWP... we shall see.

Well both my body and beer are sweating. Goddamn I really need to remember to get an extension cord for my air-conditioner... ah summer you feckled fuck!

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