Sunday, May 31, 2009

To Be Written, To Be Read

Ah, I just got back from the Lit Magazine fair at Housing Works. It's a sunny day in New York and the taste of Gimme Coffee's Las Mingas still lingers on my tongue.

After I post this blog I'm going to head outdoors to find a bench and read. Here's what I picked up:

Washington Square

Lana Turner
Columbia Poetry Review
Court Greene

New York Quaterly

If you are still planning on heading over there I recommend all of the above journals ,as well as, Saltgrass and LIT (I already own both of those).

I have to say I'm pleased to pick up Bateau and Field because I can't find those journals in the bookstore. Actually, Field might be at Barnes & Nobles but I try and purchase all of my journals from St. Mark's Bookstore or McNally Jackson. Although if I want a Denver Quarterly then I have head over to B&N which is exactly why I've missed the last two issues, but I did duck into B&N last week just to read Angela Veronica Wong's poems in DQ.


niina said...

Oh, that Lana Turner is awesome too.

steven karl said...

So so awesome indeed!

CS said...

I'm out of town but I wish I could have gone to this; I was the fiction editor for the latest issue of Lumina, and our EIC Mira was there reading; maybe you saw her or our mag? I hope you had a good time. I posted it about it on my blog, too: I try to post about literary events fairly often. Hope you get the chance to check it out! Love your blog.

steven karl said...

Hi Claire,

Yeah the Lit fair was pretty good this year. Lumina was there indeed. So many journals!

Thanks for leaving a comment. I'm going to check out your blog too.