Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How High & Still Rising

I was planning on writing fancy and smart things about this book in hopes of hyping you dear readers to buy the book and/or come out to hear Ms. Field read this Saturday. But then I realized others have written plenty of smartish stuff already about Rising

How about Ron Slate, Dan Magers, and Ken Walker.

See her read this Saturday:
This weekend will be the year (!) anniversary of the Bushwick Reading Series, and to celebrate, we have four singular readers:

Franklin Bruno, author, musician, multihyphenate (Elvis Costello's Armed Forces, 33 1/3)
Farrah Field, poet (Rising, 4-Way Books)
Joanna Penn Cooper, poet (chapbook Mesmer forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press)
Jason Helm, fiction writer

The reading takes place, as always, from 3 to 5PM at Bushwick Library on 340 Bushwick Avenue, just a couple short blocks away from the Montrose Avenue L-stop. Here is a map both helpful and detailed. If you are still unsure, please don't hesitate to ask. You will know the library by its foreboding brick visage; head on downstairs, the librarians will be able to direct you, or you can catch me by the shirtsleeve as I will no doubt be flitting around arranging and greeting.

I'm not gonna lie; I'm super excited. I hope you are, too. Together we can drink a Drank Extreme Relaxation Beverage to "slow our roll" so that we don't die from hyper-anticipation. Another way to cope is to view the book recommendations, which are starting to go up on the BRS blog. The first is from Joanna Penn Cooper, and it's already up on the Bushwick Reading Series blog, so check it.


niina said...

it just figures that the time i write my publicity email at 2AM it gets reposted everywhere.

good to see you, as always.

steven karl said...

yeah, awesome reading & i'm glad we all got to get food together too!