I have two prose poems up
here.Sawbuck brings the heat
here.Always a great read is Jacket & the new ish is
here.This is happening tonight:
Chin Music at Pacific Standard
Please join us for our next evening of Chin Music @ Pacific Standard. On December 3rd, we are thrilled to feature two wonderful poets: Mónica de la Torre and Aracelis Girmay. Mónica de la Torre is the author of TALK SHOWS (Switchback Books, 2007) and PUBLIC DOMAIN (Roof Books, 2008). Aracelis Girmay is the author of TEETH, published in 2007 by Curbstone Press. Boni Joi's poems have appeared in Arabella, Long Shot, Big Hammer, Mind Gorilla, The Brooklyn Rail and many other journals.
Located on Fourth Avenue in downtown Brooklyn, near the Atlantic/Pacific subway hub, Pacific Standard is a literary bar serving up eighteen microbrews on tap and cask (including both West Coast and local breweries), fine wines and liquors, and tasty snacks like chips and salsa, and meat and cheese plates.
Tomorrow night:
Subject: Vanitas 4 Launch this Friday, December 4, 6 PM, at Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, New York City
Come pick up a copy & hear readings by contributors
Joanna Fuhrman
Ron Horning
Ron Padgett
Raphael Rubinstein
Mónica de la Torre
Paul Violi
Anne Waldman
Bill Zavatsky
Contributors to Vanitas 4 : Translation also include Tim Atkins, Mary Jo Bang, Charles Bernstein, Lindsey Boldt, Augusto de Campos, Sean Casey, Mark Du Charme, Alan Davies, Brandon Downing, Kenneth Goldsmith, Jack Hirschman, Jen Hofer, Lisa Jarnot, Mary Maxwell, David Meltzer, Jess Morse, Ray DiPalma, Charles Perrone, Kit Robinson, Ed Sanders, Barry Schwabsky, Cedar Sigo & Sara Bilandzija, Eileen R. Tabios, John Tranter, Anne Waldman, Lewis Warsh, Dalt Wonk, Laura Wright, Elizabeth Young, and many more. In addition to poems, there are critical texts, examining the work of Borges and Bandeira, Lorca, Haiku, Pindar’s choral songs for young girls, and the poetry scene of the 1970s. The cover and a special insert were created by Francesco Clemente specifically for this issue.
I have a poem in Vanitas so I'll be at this & then it's off to my friend Francis' bday party, but if I had an extra set of legs & ears I'd also go to this:
Multifarious Array
Pete's Candy Store
709 Lorimer Street,BK
December 4
Crystal Williams, Tyrone Williams, Jackie Clark & Tara Betts