Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Friday Night's Action


Claire Becker * Jason Bredle * Cynthia King * Nate Pritts * Bill Rasmovicz * Paige Taggart

12APR7 PM on April 29′th @ Goodbye Blue Monday – Bushwick, Brooklyn

Claire Becker is the author of the poetry collection Where We Think It Should Go (Octopus Books) and the chapbooks Untoward, Get You , Young Adult, We Know in 2010, We Survive, and The Werld. She co-edits the journal RealPoetik, teaches high school students at the California School for the Blind and lives in San Francisco. This is her first time reading in New York.

Jason Bredle is the author of three books and three chapbooks, most recently Smiles of the Unstoppable and The Book of Evil. He lives in Chicago.

Cynthia Arrieu-King is an assistant professor of creative writing at Stockton College. Her book, People are Tiny in Paintings of China, came out in the fall of 2010 from Octopus Books. Her poems are forthcoming in Boston Review, Saltgrass, and Forklift, Ohio.

Nate Pritts is the author of four books of poems – most recently Big Bright Sun(BlazeVOX) & The Wonderfull Yeare (Cooper Dillon Books). His fifth, Sweet Nothing, is forthcoming from Lowbrow Press in late 2011. His poetry has appeared in journals such as The Southern Review, Black Warrior Review, Columbia Poetry Review & Forklift, Ohio among many others. His reviews & critical prose appear regularly in Rain Taxi Review of Books, Boston Review, Octopus & Coldfront. Nate has his MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College (‘00) & his PhD in British Romanticism from the University of Louisiana, Lafayette (‘03). He is the founder & principal editor of H_NGM_N & H_NGM_N BKS & lives in Syracuse, New York.

Bill Rasmovicz is a graduate of the Vermont College MFA in Writing Program and Temple University School of Pharmacy. He has served as a workshop co-leader and literary excursion leader throughout Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, England and Wales. His poems have appeared in Hotel Amerika, Nimrod, Mid-American Review, Third Coast, and other publications, and his first book, “The World in Place of Itself,” published by Alice James Books, was also the recipient of the New England Poetry Club’s Sheila Margaret Motton Prize. His current home is Brooklyn.

Paige Taggart’s poems were written on a bus through the Badlands, she’s an ex-continental-drifter. Her chapbook DIGITAL MACRAMÉ was recently released by Poor Claudia. On the horizon Polaroid Parade will emerge in chapbook-form from Greying Ghost Press. She was a 2009 recipient of the NYFA Fellowship. Peruse her blog:


Goodbye Blue Monday

1087 Broadway
(corner of Dodworth St)
Brooklyn, NY 11221-3013 (718) 453-6343

J M Z trains to Myrtle Ave
or J train to Kosciusko St

Hosted by Steven Karl, Erika Moya & Christie Ann Reynolds

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More Brewing on the Interwebs

Ben Pease features Ben Fama over on TheThepoetry.

Audio and video of the off-site Chapbook Festival here.

New ish of Sixth Finch here.

New SpringGun here.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

More Great Stuff on the Web

New ish of H_NGM_N is live featuring a review I wrote for Kate Colby's book.

Also, this interview with Matt Henriksen is great.

Bronwen Tate poems here!

Debut issue of Loaded Bicycle is here.

Dan Beachy-Quick has an essay in Evening Will Come.

Farrah Field has posted fragmented book-club notes on her blog and they are pretty cool.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Interviews, Reviews, & Some Other Stuff of Awesome

Best American Poetry ala Rob Crawford interviewed three up & coming poets who also curate or co-curate reading series. I'm interviewed here(as 1/3 of Stain). The interview also contains a publication of "Youth & Fins" as well as links to "Sister" which is in my sold-out (Ir)Rational Aminals chap and one of the videos Francis shot at my Poetry Project Reading. Crawford also interviews Chris Hosea here & Douglas Piccinnini here.

One of my fave poets, Sueyeun Juliette Lee is interviewed here.

Angela Veronica Wong has a review of Kate Colby's book here. I'll have a review of the same book out later this month on H_NGM_N.

Speaking of H_NGM_N read an interview with Nate Pritts here also check out what Katherine Sullivan has to say about her online journal, Vinyl here.

Finally check out the new ish of Word For/Word here. Lots of great work by Lily Ladewig in the issue.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jellyfish Magazine

The new ish of Jellyfish is live & I have a poem in it. Check it out here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Esme Poems

I've been meaning to mention this chapbook for a minute now. It's put out by Peninsulas Now Press. You can read about the press here on Joe Hall's blog. This chapbook is a collab between Joe Hall & Cheryl Quimba.

Here's a sample:

Esme on a Cruise Ship

Fits perfectly into a deck chair.

Then paces and smokes

a cigarette and beholds the orange sun. Will
never get married, will want

to live inside her own

private movie, watching sea gulls circling
for hours at a time.

Without speaking them,
continually forms the shapes
of words inside her mouth.

Esme: Inharmonic

---she sees
a person lock the door behind
him, look both ways and begin strolling or
a mammal browsing in and out of the shadows of
the tree line--deep, running algorithms
black engine of things
bang bang bang on her drums
she always has her reasons
before a friend comes
and then the singing

The American String Quartet - Ravel String Quartet in F Major - 1st Mvmt...